
Fall 2016 – “The Bean” Chicago, Il

We all live in our head, narrating our lives, interpreting and seeing the world through our own perspectives. Sometimes I convince myself of my own insignificance that I do not notice the impact I have on the lives around me. 

We are all connected and influence each other in these microcosmic ways. When we become too wrapped up in our heads feeling alone and insecure we convince ourselves that we are powerless, that we are not influencing and changing the world from our mere existence. But the truth is you are. Whether actively or passively we are all influencing the world and the people around us. When we feel insecure about ourselves, the people around us who care will try to help you, but they do not live inside your head, they cannot refute every negative thought that passes through. Only you are there, only you will always be there to shine some light and bring in some positivity. Of course occasionally, your friends and family will be there as well to boost you up. But ultimately you have to present as well, you have to accept their positivity, you have the responsibility of carrying that positivity into your heart. When we don’t accept their good will, when we continue negativity despite support from friends and family, we are hurting them. Being kind to yourself is also being kind to others. 

Of course some people in the world do not have supportive people around them to help, but all is not lost because this positivity ultimately is from within and therefore does not require external influences. When positivity shines out of you, it is reflected in others around you

First we must take care of ourselves before we can take care of others. Similar to the drop down respirators on an airplane, please asssist yourself before you assist others. When I am not taking care of myself and that means identifying my goals, identifying my wants and needs in life, acknowledging my virtues and flaws, taking responsibility for myself by expressing these thoughts and desires to others around me, I am hurting others around me.  When we let insecurities rule our lives we cannot fully share ourselves with others. 

We cannot connect with those around us when we do not first connect with ourselves. We have to work on identifying our personal goals so that when we are in a group other people do not push their agendas onto you. Your goals should align with theirs and together synergistically you achieve your goals together. Of course it is also important to be supportive of each other when our goals are different. But ultimately, we gotta get ourselves together! 

Thoughts for today!



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